Be 76% more likely to hit your music goals in 2024!

Happy New Year and Lang ma your lum reek!

Do you want to increase your chances of hitting your music and life goals by 76% this year?

Well the below video podcast (audio only available too) is for you!

Surveys of the general population have shown that 83% of respondents don’t have goals, 14% had plans but not in writing, and only 3% had written goals.

So you are already in the top % of people who are serious about getting what they want if you follow these 3 steps!

In the next 3 steps, We are going to 

1 - write our goals - Success rate is 43% more likely

2 - give purpose to our goals to to improve your performance by 90%

3 - Use a hack known as “actions” to increase your chance of success by 76%!!

Let’s go!

PS - Do you need 1-2-1 Help finishing your tracks?

Register below to book a FREE Zoom call with me where I coach you through the steps you need to take to finish that track you are working on!

You will get:

  1. A free 30-60 minute coaching call

  2. A PDF checklist of steps you need to take to finish your track

  3. A rewatch video of the call

  4. Ongoing support if you need it!


Remember to sign up for your free Zoom call!1

Podcast Transcription (AI generated)

Welcome to Whisky and Synths. Happy New Year and Lang May your Lum Reek.  So I take it you're here because you want to improve the chances of your music and life goals happening. by  76%. So imagine that you've got your goals, your dreams for your music and your life, and there's a way you can make it happen more likely by 76%. 

So in this video, we're going to have a look at three ways to do that. And number one is we'll be writing down our goals. Number two, we'll be refining our goals. And step three. It'll be the one that actually increases your chance by 76%, a special little hack. So I'm looking forward to sharing that with you.

Thanks for joining. Let's go.  So first step in this journey is we're actually going to start by writing down our goals, whether you write it or type it out, but we're actually going to make  Two different lists for this and the reason is, apparently loads of people overestimate what they can do in one year but underestimate what they can do in ten years.

So I don't want that to be you. I don't want you to overestimate what you can do in a year of burnout, don't hit your goals and then you're like, ugh. And that impacts your long term progress as well. So we're actually going to make one list, and the first one is the dream decade list. Like, at the end of it, who would be your dream collaborators?

What would be your dream studios to go to? Uh, what would be your dream place to go on tour? Uh, any of those things. You make your own decisions here. But I'd like you to include stuff about your dream life situation as well, like your relationships, your family, uh, what kind of house would you like to live in, your home.

Um, or homes if you've got bigger dreams like that, what kind of vehicles would you like? How's your transport looking? All these big things, luxuries, holidays, destinations, whatever you want, you can put it in here. And don't feel like someone's looking over your shoulder. This is you, but I really want to put as much detail in as possible.

So if you're describing your dream studio, what size would it be? What stuff would it have in it? Um, if you're describing your dream tour, like exact countries and places you'd like to go and who you'd like to be on the support bill, really get detailed about it. And it's a fun exercise to do. And that's your dream decade list.

Now for your second list, I want you to write out.  Uh, just type out in a Google Doc, this is your one for the year. So what things would you love to accomplish this year with your music or your life? Similar to the other one, but this one's more like think what could be done in a year. But I do want you to push yourself because statistics show, let me check.

that in 90 percent of studies, if you set yourself a bit more challenging goal than you might think, you're 90 percent more likely to hit that more challenging goal. So that's quite a good thing to do. Set it kind of challenging, um, but realistic within a year. As well. Uh, and then once you've done that, made those lists and put as much detail as you can in both of them, uh, what I'd quite like you to do is categorize it as well.

So if you've got say, two musical projects, say one's electronic, one's, your band can put different goals under different lists for them. If you know relationships, put it under our head. You know, home, luxuries, put it under a header, tours, and try and categorize it because that's going to help you later on as well.

So it's good to write it out if you prefer writing by hand, but I find editing later it's almost easier if you're doing it using something like Google Docs or something like that. So now what you've hopefully had a bit of time and you made your two lists, uh, we're going to find out how can we up our chances of hitting those dream goals and those yearly goals in our next two steps.

Now let's improve our performance to these actual goals by giving us a reason to work towards them. So especially in your yearly list, I want you to go through it and think about Why do I want this goal? What is it within me that's wanting this? Is it because I want the status? I just kind of want to experience it?

Or it'd make my life so much easier? Things like that. And you don't have to really super question yourself, but as long as you have an idea, what is the reason of doing this? And it'll help you refine your goals a little bit. And feel free to do that on your big dream goals if you want as well. And it's worth doing because it really ups your chances of reaching your goals if you know why.

It gives them purpose.  And when humans have purpose, they're more likely to work towards something. You're not just mindlessly slugging away at something. You're actually, I'm doing this because of this, and that's why I'm doing it. And the reason could be as simple as because you want to.  That's fine as well, but it's worth considering.

A famous framework you can use for getting towards your goals and refining them is the SMART framework. So SMART is like an acronym, so if your goals are S for specific, like you've written down exactly what the goal is, you're more likely to hit them. If they're measurable, you're more likely to hit them.

So for example, if you want to play loads of gigs this year, you could say, I want to play 50 gigs this year, or something like that, put a number to it, then you can measure. How close are you getting to that goal? Also, the letter A in that acronym stands for achievable. How achievable are they? So they're meant to be challenging, but you want to achieve them.

For example, if you're like, I want to do a gig on Mars. Uh, no one's ever been to Mars yet, but it's possible, but maybe start with planet Earth and the moon. And that's an extreme example, but you get the idea. You want it to be challenging, but achievable.  You also want your goals to be relevant. So relevancy is important.

So how relevant is that goal to your overall mission with what you want to do with your music and your life? And the last one in this acronym of SMART is the letter T. That one's important.  It's time bound. So it's quite good to put a date on it. Or I guess if you're yearly goals, you might say by the end of the year, or you might say by halfway through the year, or in the first three months you want to hit this goal.

So that means you can sort of measure if you're working towards it and having a deadline helps give you a sense of urgency and purpose as well. So now we've written our goals, and now we've refined them to up your chance of actually hitting them. Let's get a hack for 76 percent more chance of hitting your goals.

It can increase your chances of hitting them by that much. Let's have a look at it.  Just before we get to that hack, I just wanted to let you know, every month I do four free Zoom calls for producers like you and music makers like you where you show me your demo I coach you for how to get it finished and released After the call you got a PDF checklist of things to do you got a rewatch of the call and you know I'll be able to communicate with you afterwards as well if you need extra help.

So these coaching calls are a freebie I only do four a month though. So get in touch if you think getting some help from me might help your music productions and get your music out there.  So how do you up your chances of getting exactly what you want out of your music and life by 76%? Well, we've made our goals, we've refined them.

Now it's time for action steps, okay? So for each goal, you're going to look at it and you're going to think. What do I need to do to reach that goal? Okay, and you might have to research this a bit if you're not sure but you can use your imagination do a bit of research A good example is for example, if you're um, I want to do 50 gigs by the end of the year Well, your action step could be like every week.

I'm gonna spend 30 minutes on the email Instagram, whatever. Finding promoters, venues, other bands I could support, other DJs I could support. And so 30 minutes a week, writing out and finding people and communicating with them. And if you do that for 30 minutes a week You've got a much higher chance of hitting that goal, but you can also kind of, it's easy to measure if you have done that as well.

So your actions, they should be  connected to your goal. Like if I do this, it gets me closer to my goal. Okay. I'm quite good. Uh, and also it should be sort of. A thing you can do, like a habit, like every week is quite a good way of doing this, or every month is quite a good way of doing this. And I've got another example, a real life one from last year.

So my brother James and I are in a duo called Last of the Free. And we wanted to get our music out to more people. We wanted to get it on BBC Radio, because that's a big deal here in the UK. And we also just in general wanted to get the music exposed to more people. So not a very specific goal, but that was the, that was our sort of idea.

And we thought, okay, we're going to release a single every month. Cause we had enough music to do that. We're going to get four videos a month on Instagram in regards to it. So your little videos, so that's once a week, once a week videos, once a month song. The song's going to be uploaded every month to the BBC introducing website and fresh on the net, which is a similar music promotion thing.

And we'll spend, uh, once a month do like 30 minute email blasts to different people to try and promote it as well. And at first for like four or five months, nothing was happening, but we kept doing it. Okay.  Fast forward to the end of the year. The BBC Radio played us five times in the end, okay? We had, uh, the Skinny, which is Scotland's cultural magazine, featured us in an End of Year playlist, and the Bothy Society  included us twice on a playlist that was their best of trad 2023 music.

And so it totally worked, and because we didn't give up and we stuck to that routine, it got results. So we're going to continue the same way, and it shows you with your actions, you do need to keep doing them and seeing how they work, but be consistent with them for a bit. And, you know, you might need to tweak them here or there, but I think what made it work was You know, if we put one track on the BBC uploader, the team might have seen it.

Thought it's okay, but it doesn't fit the program this week. And then if we didn't do any more, they'd be like, oh, that's it. But because we were consistently popping up, not annoying, it was once a month, but consistently there when the right time came for their putting out a program that needs a song like this.

they chose our track. So I'm not saying to this to brag, but I'm saying it's proof that your actions can lead to the goals you want. And they're actually the most important part. If you just have goals and sort of aren't really working towards them, they're not going to happen. So the actions are the most important part.

And if you're not sure what actions to match your goals, just try and do some research online, try and figure out. What do I need to do to get this certain goal? What do I need to learn? What do And you are smart enough to figure that out, but you can always message me if you need some help. I'll do my best. 

I've also got a little bonus tip for you. With those actions you've written down, you can actually put them in a third separate document. And it's just, it could be a checklist of actions you have to do every month for each goal. Okay. You don't have to have the goals in here, just the actions. And then every month you make that document again and again, And you can actually tick it off if you've done it, so you can track your progress.

And then you can start to see if it's getting the results you want. So that's a new thing I'm personally trying this year, but I really believe it's going to help me track how well I'm working towards my goals. And am I doing those good habits that I'd said I do?  So is this the way you would normally set your goals?

Do you like setting goals? Are you more New Year's resolution? Which is kind of just another word for goals. Let me know in the comments. I want to hear from you. Eh, why don't you write down what one of your main goals for your music is for this year and what is one of your main goals for the next 10 years.

Get started in the comments right now before you go off and do your documents.  So, in summary, writing down your goals ups your chances by 42 percent of meeting your goals. It puts you in the 3 percent of people in the world who write down their goals. So it's not that many people do it. And then if you want to up your chances of hitting your goals by 76%,  put actions underneath them and then try and keep doing those actions throughout the year and your life. 

Also, remember, if you do need help with this, Or if you're music in general, I offer four free coaching calls every month and you can sign up, uh, get in touch. I want to book a call in with you on zoom. We can talk for your track, for your music, and it can help you get it released ready. And you'll get a checklist and rewatch video to follow afterwards all for free.

It's my gift to you, but I've only do four months. We'll get. in touch ASAP if you want to do it, and hopefully you will be able to get your tracks progressed further without actually having to put too much extra effort in than you already are. I want to help you out with that. Thanks for watching. I'm Dave, this is Whiskey and Synths.

I will see you next time in my next video. Thanks so much, and land me your Lung Reek this.



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